“Jumpin” Jimin Jeong – Greatest Korean Waterskier of all time

Waterskiing is full of people looking to elevate the sport and bring it into the public eye. A continuous every day journey of encouragement and patience battling through the quagmire of watersports to show how great Waterskiing is. With an ever-expanding list of boat/Cable towed watersports ready to usurp the one that’s been around since the beginning, one man leads the way showing so much passion, life, energy, and damn right stubbornness to bring this old sport to the younger generation.

Jimin Jeong, a name maybe not so familiar with many folks over this side of the pond, but a name very well known in the East. Korea, Japan, China and Malaysia. Jimmy has been making a name for years throwing everything he has into developing a better understanding of how amazing this sport can be.

Through Jumpin Jimins will, Korea has a developing youth crew coming up, who train with Jimmy at JMJ Cru academy in South Korea. Jimin has the latest Nautique 200 and products from numerous watersports brands including Stokes at his Pro Shop, working together with BUYWAKE KOREA.

When the winter takes grip in South Korea, Jimin heads over to the USA at Skifluid, training and perfecting his technique with Kyle Eade and heading over also to see the Rocketman, Scot Ellis.

Below is a little Q&A session with Jimin.


Jump: 61.1m Slalom: 4@35off/12m Trick: 4200

Year started skiing:
9 years old

Who inspired you as a young athlete?
Curtis Sheers/Kyle Eade/Scot Ellis

Where do you train:
Chuncheon of South Korea JMJ CREW ski school and Ski Fluid in FL

Who do you ski with:
Kyle Eade

Scot Ellis

How often do you get to train:
5days a week and 2 days to go Gym

Your busy at your ski school in South Korea training young skiers, how much fun is it to see them develop?
I do focus coach who wants to first over the ramp. I try to make a fun to young jumper and safety for first flying. I always be happy with them.

Can you ski year round in Korea?
I can ski only 6 months in Korea. In winter i ski in Florida

Do you family ski also?
My mum and dad used ski but not right now.  My Wife, Sumi, is a good slalom skier and likes to show our Daughter Harin, who is 2, how to make turns in the course.  Harin, is Mommys coach, ha

What is your greatest strength?
I guess I’m untiring for a water ski life. It’s hard to keep working our sport but i do working hard to support and provide the know how to help our kids grow up for the next level.  I really know the dedication I have put into to become a 200ft jumper, and am hopefully passing that dedication to my students.

What excites you most about a career as a waterskiier?
For big flying. All jumpers wants to be. I next goal over 210” and make in world top 10

What has been your greatest accomplishment on water?
I made 4 time Asian Jump record, 7 times Asian Jump champions and 2 times AAO open mens jump 2nd place.

What are you goals?
Make a final at Moomba next year.

Where is your favorite place to compete?
Moomba in Australia with a headwind for jumping, ha.  No stormy weather, last year we nearly lost the ramp due to the current in the river.  Its an amazing place to ski, such a unique and historical site for waterskiing.

What is your favorite song to listen to prior to competing?
K-pop kind of ballad it makes me calm

What is the best thing you have done this summer?
I haven’t done yet in summer. But i hope i make a pb for jumping.

Who is inspiring to you?
My daughter Harin and wife Sumi all the time

Jimin with his family

Jimin with his family

Jimin Jeong would like to say thanks to his sponsors, Nautique Boats, Buywake Korea, JMJ Cru Academy, Skifluid, Stokesskis, Sodamon