Rob Hazelwood back on the water after gruesome injury

Rob Hazelwood is back on the water after what looked like a gruesome season ending injury.

After a near perfect weekend in Chile, where Rob tied a British U21 slalom record and tricked a new PB everything looked like he was setting himself up for a stellar 2019, then disaster struck.

Taking a practice set a couple days after, Rob was pushing himself to the limits. The only to achieve the level of elite skiing Rob is pushing towards is to test the very edge of what you think is possible. Rob was rounding 3 at 41 off (10.25m) , a line length only a tiny percentage of pro skiers will ever get to, when he fell into the handle.

Robs arm went through the handle, a violent crash happened and severe pain and loss of movement in Robs right bicep.

A few hours later Rob would learn that he had sliced the bicep clean in half, meaning the lower half of Robs bicep was now in his forearm, a scary injury, and at the time what felt like a season threatening one. Luckily he had not done any tendon damage, which could have meant a 6 month injury layoff. Thanks to the skilled team in Chile Rob has full motion and mobility in his arm and only missed 11 weeks of skiing.

Rob has huge passion for the sport as anyone who has met him will tell you. Their is not many other skiers who commit so much time on and off the water. Rob now has his sights set on the World U21 championships in Edmonton, Canada and will be training at PWTC in Lincoln, England, with 6 weeks to go, we don’t doubt that Rob will be ready to go .

Rob Hazelwood U21 British Slalom Record